- 29 May 2023
A case of infertility cured with the help of Homeopathy
It was another regular evening at the clinic. A young couple, Rakesh (27) and Reema (23) walked into my clinic with their medical files asking to see if they can be helped. They said they have heard about the results of Homeopathic treatment in other diseases from their community, who also suggested they should try Homeopathy in their case. So, they visited my clinic, to enquire if Homeopathy can help in their case of unsuccessful conception.
The couple was married for three years and had been trying to conceive. But as they were unsuccessful, they started undergoing analysis and treatment for the past 21 months. In the days when there were no separate IVF (in-vitro fertilization) facilities nor it was so prevalent. People did not buy the idea of making a baby in petri dish in laboratories. Some chose to go for IUI (Intra-uterine insemination) in which the sperms are collected and released in the uterine cavity using injection. This young couple had been trying IUI for more than a year and a half and were waiting for results.
In these early days of my practice, this was the first such case and I was confident that Homeopathy can help them. There were no pathological symptoms because there was no pathology. It was a case of primary sterility. I did a detailed Homeopathic Assessment with the couple as well as with Reema alone. Understanding and analyzing her life situation I found the cause was in her emotional sphere. Reema was a closed shell and only spoke till the dot. Due to these characteristics, a step of counselling was not done.
“If an egg is broken by an outside force, the life ends.
But, if broken by inside force, life begins.
As great things always begin from inside...”
Homeopathic treatment begins
I prescribed and dispensed the Homeopathic Similimum (just one dose) for her, as they were scheduled after 5 days for the next ovulation study.
Tight timeline for outcomes, but I had already experienced the quick actions of Homeopathic Similimum in the last 11 days of my independent clinic.
And Homeopathy again showed its rapid action.
Outcomes from Individualised Homeopathic Intervention
The gynaecologist was impressed by the improved ovulation study report and hence the procedure was scheduled for the very next day (2nd October 2007) morning.
Reema visited her gynaecologist as usual for the next week and Ramesh came on 6th October 2007 to inform me that the pregnancy was successful.
Days went by and turned into months. In July 2008, Rakesh and Reema brought their baby for me to see. For them, I was the part that changed the outcome of their equation and for me, it made my confidence in homeopathy stronger.
The joy and contentment on their faces were priceless.
- The names of the patients have been changed to maintain their privacy.
- The data mentioned here have been extracted from the original health reports.
- No names of the medicines have been mentioned here to prevent misuse, as Homeopathy is an individual system of medicine, where a medicine for the health issue of a person may not apply to another person. Hence, a detailed Homeopathic assessment by a Qualified Homeopath is recommended.
Taking a Homeopathic Opinion has become the need of the hour
In this era of health consciousness, for the treatment of any disease, which does not respond to a particular line of treatment, one must take a Homeopathic opinion immediately. Often patients lose their early time going from one specialist to another.
Hey! You are almost there to consult Dr. Twara
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