Homeopathy and the famous

The Founder of Homeopathy

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Scientist, Brilliant Chemist, a Linguist & Translator, Philologist, Learned Physician, Expert Medical Jurist & Practical Toxicologist, Great Reformer, and a Cultured Man. He was more or less conversant with many branches of knowledge. And was often consulted on many subjects besides medicine. Apart from this, he took a great interest in astronomy, geographical studies, nature, ancient history, entomology, etc.

His Contributions in various fields to improve the lives of people and empower Humanity can be explored here.

The World Famous

Platoon of
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

The allopathic physicians who joined Dr. Samuel Hahnemann can be aptly termed as Platoon. They fought against all odds for the benefit of suffering humanity. In many scenarios, their own suffering arose from the fact that they chose Homeopathy and dispensed their own medicine.

Even knowing the repercussions of their decision, could not alter their choice. They were determined to do so. Based on observations, experiences, and the conscientiousness with which they held their duty as a physician.

Cases that were not improving by the present medicine did far better with Homeopathic treatment. How could they overlook and neglect to learn the new system that was delivering results? Could a physician practice medicine without analyzing the outcomes of his provided treatment?

Johann Ernst Stapf

Early Prover's Union

Dr. Franz Hartmann

Early Prover's Union

Dr. Gustav Wilhelm Gross

Early Prover's Union

Dr. Karl Gottlob Franz

Early Prover's Union

Christian Gottlob Hornburg

Early Prover's Union

Dr. Friedrich Jacob Rummel

Early Prover's Union

W. E. Wislicenus

Early Prover's Union

Ernst Ferdinand Rückert

Early Prover's Union

Christian Friedrich Langhammer

Early Prover's Union

Christian Theodre Herrman

Early Prover's Union

J. Christian Dav Teuthorn

Early Prover's Union

Dr. Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Jahr

Assisted in Pathogenesis + Compilation of Chronic diseases

Doctors who chose Homeopathy
upon experiencing its effectiveness.

Dr. Constantine Hering

Father of American Homeopathy

Dr. Johann Martin Honigberger

Introduced Homeopathy to India

Dr. Karl Julius Aegidi

Physician to princess of Prussia

Dr. Frederic Hervey Foster Quin

Introduced Homeopathy in England

Clemens Maria Franz von Boenninghausen

Doctor of Law and Medicine

Dr. Georg August Heinrich Mühlenbien

Privy Councillor, Knight of the Order

Dr. Carl George Christian Hartlaub

Dr. Charles Friedrich Gottfired Trinks

Dr. Adolph Lippe

Last Graduate of Allentown Academy

Dr. Carroll Dunham

Dr. Mahendralal Sircar

Social Reformer and CIE

Dr. Richard Hughes

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