Consult a Homeopath

Consult a Homeopath and embrace the beauty of your individual healing journey. As you embark on a path towards vibrant health.  Our unwavering commitment to your well-being drives us to deliver the most effective, affordable and life-changing healthcare solutions. Our esteemed organization invites you to indulge in an experience of a lifetime.

Rare Diseases

If you are battling with rare diseases or an unusual health condition don’t give up just yet. You are not alone. And we are here to help you get through it. So, take heart and know that there is hope for a fuller recovery. It’s important to start treatment early, in order to have the BEST chance of getting better. Hence, time is of the essence, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help now. Your health is a valuable asset, prioritize it with our assistance at every step on the way towards recovery.


Ensuring utmost clarity of perception is our topmost priority. Your factual knowledge is not only vital for your own life but also influences the lives of those around you. Our conversations have the ability to stimulate the mind, in the same way that the Similimum ignites the Vital Force. What follows is a truly transformative experience that we are eagerly anticipating sharing with you.


Our comprehensive mentorship program is designed to assist students and practitioners alike. Our program provides invaluable guidance and empowerment, allowing you to overcome challenges and achieve your professional goals with confidence. We welcome the opportunity to aid you in becoming a successful Homeopath, and we are proud to offer this opportunity for advancement in your practice.

Case Review

Case Review involves a thorough examination of patient case histories, ensuring every detail of the case is analysed, and worked upon. We help Homeopaths to improvise their patient outcomes. An expert does a structured analysis of the case, identifies any gaps and provides recommendations. This assistance offers an effective way to streamline the healing process by establishing experienced support teams and empower you to deliver exceptional results to your patients.

Practical Guidance

As a genuine Hahnemannian Homeopath, it is imperative to acknowledge that every case is singular. HomeopathyOne provides practical guidance in the development of your case-taking abilities to meet the requirements of today’s ever-changing medical landscape. Our services cater to both beginners and seasoned practitioners worldwide. We pride ourselves on being a reliable partner and resource for your practice.


HomeopathyOne is a healthcare unison founded on the principles of Hahnemannian Homeopathy providing the utmost standard of care. We believe that true healthcare should be rooted in values that are readily graspable, making it accessible to all. Thus reducing reliance on medications and improving overall health worldwide.
HomeopathyOne, Seal of Genuineness of Homeopathy in all aspects, directly on Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's instructions yielding effective results.
At HomeopathyOne, we use 100% genuine Hahnemannian method in our Homeopathic medicines.

About HomeopathyOne

We are a Healthcare Unison
founded on the principles of Hahnemannian Homeopathy

with a commitment to providing the utmost standard of care. Our approach focuses on achieving a swift and gentle cure that leads to permanent eradication of the disease. We believe that true healthcare should be rooted in values that are readily graspable, making it accessible to all, thus reducing reliance on medications and improving overall health worldwide.

years of experience
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ailing patient lives healed
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countries served
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homeopaths mentored
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True physician rejects nothing not investigated by himself, nor takes the word of another, and has the courage to think for himself and to treat accordingly.

The Founder of Homoeopathy

Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann

Scientist, Brilliant Chemist, a Linguist & Translator, Philologist, Learned Physician, Expert Medical Jurist & Practical Toxicologist, Great Reformer and a Cultured Man. He was more or less conversant with many branches of knowledge, and was consulted upon many subjects besides that of medicine. He took a great interest in astronomy, geographical studies, nature, ancient history, entomology, etc.

Care at HomeopathyOne

HomeopathyOne is
treating health problems,
while strengthening the health
by reducing the susceptibility towards disease
through our innovative care.

Health = Freedom
becomes a reality
for our patients at HomeopathyOne.

schedule a


Income-scaled fees tailored for each country, to make healthcare more affordable and accessible for all citizens.
HomeopathyOne offers affordable health packages

Upgrade your and family's well-being today!

Your HomeopathyOne Care

Treatment Benefits

  • Promotes relaxation Our personalized treatment reduces stress, and brings you in balance.
  • Relieves all pain Physical and emotional pain is treated effectively with our holistic care.
  • Improves appetite Along with improving digestion and nutrition absorption which enhances your well-being.
Benefits experienced by patients from choosing care at HomeopathyOne.
  • Removes headache Our personalised treatment reduces your reactions to triggers.
  • Fights insomnia A tailored treatment improves your sleep quality and underlying issues.
  • Improves mood When you're feeling down, our support and customised treatment brings hope and happiness.
Diseases & Conditions

Featured Care Areas

Express Delivery Service

We deliver to your door step, may it be any country of the world, only through a reputed courier service provider.

100% Genuine Medicines

we only use the products manufactured as per the Hahnemannian process.

Express Shipping

98% on time delivery of the medicine.

Certified Products

we only procure from the licensed manufacturers for patient safety.

100% Safe Packaging

we ship in a safe and tamper proof package.

HomeopathyOne facilitates doorstep delivery of medicines globally.

What our patients' expressed !

I used to suffer from kidney stone on and off. 2 weeks of treatment and my largest kidney stone came out with ease. Consulting Dr. Twara Aashish at HomeopathyOne made me realise few things. The renal calculi are the product. The error.

My kidney stone came out in just 2 weeks of treatment without much pain. Thank you!
Dx Xaxxex Jxxhx / 2024 / Bharat (India)

My HbA1C levels came to 6.4 % from 5.7% in 3 months. The lifestyle changes adopted could not stop prediabetes to reach diabetic levels. In 3 months of Homeopathic treatment my HbA1C levels reported to 5.20% which is non-diabetic. 1.2% less in.

Words of gratitude from the bottom of my heart for the transformation experienced. My journey from diabetic to non-diabetic in 3 months by homeopathic treatment.
Dx Vxxsxaxx Xaxxax / 2024 / Bharat (India)

I had a fall from the ladder and got injured. After 10 days of fall, my injury pain was still there. I was taking heat therapy (compresses). And doing exercises suggested by ortho. Yet the effects of injury were not healed completely..

My injury pain because of fall before 10 days were healed in 3 doses of medicine in a day. My gratitude to HomeopathyOne.
Kxxixx Cxxuxxn / 2024 / Bharat (India)

I had numbness in my hand for more than a year. The issue started to worsen from one and a half month. The numbness used to be there for the whole day. I could not even feel anything but numbness in these.

Gone is the numbness and back is the feel with individualised homeopathic treatment at HomeopathyOne.
Dxxrxxxix Rxxhxx / 2024 / India

A whole year has passed with zero medicine and zero anxiety attacks. True freedom! I am so grateful to Dr. Twara and HomeopathyOne for their continuous support during the 12 weeks treatment. My panic attacks were addressed promptly and effectively. Great experience!.

Treatment at HomeopathyOne has helped a lot of patient live a better life.
Mxxxax / 2023 / United States of America

I am Thanking you for curing my Insomnia. The results I have experienced for myself are awesome. I had been to specialists and tried various therapies before care at HomeopathyOne. My mind used to keep constantly awake and could not relax even.

Treatment at HomeopathyOne has helped many a patient live a better life.
Pxxtxx Txxxxax / 2023 / India
Frequently Asked Questions

Popular Questions | About Treatment

Doctors at HomeopathyOne treat the underlying cause of your disease. If your disease is caused or made worse by a medical problem or substance use, it also will be treated.

If you have any associated anxiety, stress, or any other psychological impact due to your disease, that will also be given due importance while drafting your treatment plan.

With Homeopathic treatment custom tailored for you, focused on your uniqueness, the treatment’s efficacy can be experienced in the following ways:

  1. You feel better than before.
  2. Your episode lasts shorter and is less intense.
  3. Your sleep improves in quality.
  4. You feel more active and energetic.
  5. You are able to eat better.
  6. Your mind and body work better.
  7. You make better choices for yourself.
  8. You enjoy better health than before.

Each person is unique and hence the time taken for treatment and the results achieved are also unique.

This is the most important question. Our Homeopathic Physicians work together with you as a team trying to achieve the same goal in a rapid, gentle, and permanent way. You and only you can assist in improving the outcomes of your treatment by keeping in mind the following points:

  1. Timely taking your medicine as per the guidelines provided.
  2. Schedule follow-ups on time, as they are essential to keep moving forward toward our goal.
  3. Help your care providers identify any obstacles to the outcome by freely sharing the details thoroughly and pre-emptively.
  4. Filling the assessment forms at required intervals.
  5. If any new or old symptom appears, inform your health care provider, before doing anything on your own and follow the guidance given by them.
  6. Not taking medicines on your own, as these interfere (slows down) and hampers (suppress) the process that is happening within your system for becoming healthy.
  7. If any tests are required, get them done.
  8. Not stopping any medicines on your own without your health care providers advice – be it conventional, complementary or alternative.
  9. Sharing if any other therapies or modalities are being utilized by you. Some ingredients may have interactions and consequences with your ongoing treatment without you realizing it.

You, and the whole of you, are the only reason why you experience the disease differently from others.

  1. your genetic predisposition and
  2. your unique response system

These are constantly evolving as you grow through life. They are constituted and modified by

  1. your upbringing and
  2. your experience of different life situations around you

Technically the way you are wired and the way you learn and change through life is what makes you unique. This is the main reason why people experience diseases differently.

Homeopathy values this uniqueness of yours, and therefore there are no medicines for disease conditions but for the person who is experiencing those disease conditions. This is the basic reason that allows a Homeopathic Doctor to prescribe a single medicine at a given time, even for multiple disease conditions.

Doctors at HomeopathyOne provide therapy as part of treatment depending on the case.

Therapy or Counseling can help with various outlets within your life. By meeting with a therapist, you will be able to destress and truly reflect on your life to see what you would like to improve or what is causing you stress. A therapist can also offer guidance and advice on healing processes, everyday life situations, and they can help you keep your mental health in check.

Virtual therapy sessions are timesaving, zero-waiting, easily accessible and affordable.

No, there are no hidden charges.

It is session based and straightforward.

We also offer you packages for your timely needs.


Your health and genes

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, and the ability to live a socially and economically productive life”.

In your local time

Online Service

  • Monday: 24 hours
  • Tuesday: 24 hours
  • Wednesday: 24 hours
  • Thursday: 24 hours
  • Friday: 24 hours
  • Saturday: 24 hours
  • Sunday:CLOSED

Sundays are as important as you!

Please write to us at if you wish to have an appointment on a Sunday in an unavoidable circumstance.

HomeopathyOne is
Global Health


Mother Tinctures are not helpful
for you?

Homeopathy can

Cure You

not your disease !

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+91 (730) 365 7000

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