stepping stones
Towards Unexplored
The stepping stones provide the reader with an idea of how the life events of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann led to the discovery of Homeopathy. Knowledge of various languages learned at a young age became a key step. Translated books became the source for the inquiring scientific mind. Values imbibed through Parenting guided the inner life to be on the path to find cure for Ailing Humanity. The stepping stones walk us through each step.

“Though my father was not a professed artist, yet he was occupied as a painter in the Porcelain Manufactory in Meissen, and was the author of a little book on Painting in Water Colours. He had the soundest and most correct ideas upon every subject deserving consideration, and his opinions were strongly impressed on my mind.
‘To act, and to be without pretensions,’ was his fundamental maxim, enforced even more by example than by precept.
Various Fields
We may form some idea of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s immense industry when we consider that he proved about 90 different medicines, that he wrote upwards of 70 original works on chemistry and medicine, some of which were in several thick volumes, and translated about 28 works from English, French, Italian and Latin, on chemistry, medicine, agriculture and general literature, many of which were in more than one volume. The stepping stones takes us through each one of them.

An Essay, Meissen. (1770 : Latin)
The wonderful structure of Human hand.
A Poem, Lipsiae. (1775 : Latin)
Written by Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (age 20 years) for Eminent Professor M. Johann Karl Zeune (Ex. Officinia Büttneria)
An Essay on Hydrophobia, London. (1753 : English)
Translated in German - Nugent's Versuch über die Wasserscheu, Leipzig, 1777.
Physiological Essays and Observations by John Stedtmann, London. (1769 : English)
Translated in German - John Stedtmann's physiologische Versuche und Beobachtungen, Leipzig, 1777.
On Mineral baths and Waters by W. Falconers, Bath. (1775 : English)
Translated in German - William Falconer's Versuch über die mineralischen Wasser und Bader, Leipzig, 1777.
Ball's Modern Practice of Physic, 2 vols. ( : English)
Translated in German - Ball's neuere Herilkunst, Leipzig, 1777.
Young's Annals of Agriculture, 2 vols., London. (1786 : English)
Translated in German - A. Young's Annalen des Ackerbaues, Leipzig, 1777.
Conspectus affectnum spasmodicorum aetiologies et therapeuticus, 4 vols., Erlangae. (1779 : Latin)
Dissertatio inauguralis medica.
Procèdes chymiques ranges méthodiquement et définis, 2 vols., Neufchatel. (1780 : French)
Translated in German - Demachy's Laborant im Grossen oder Kunst die chymischen Produkte fabrikmassig zu verfertigen, Leipzig, 1784.
L'art du Destillateur Liquorista, par Demachy et Dubisson, 2 vols., Paris. (1775 : French)
Translated in German - Der Liquerfabrikaut, Leipzig, 1785.
Demachy's L'art du Vinaigrier, Neufchatel. (1780 : French)
Translated in German -Demachy's Kunst des Epissfabrikanten, Leipzig, 1787.
La falsification des Medicaments devoilee, Bruxelles. (1784 : French)
Translated in German - Die Kennzeichen der Güte und Verfälschung der Arzneimittel von I. B. Sande, Dresden, 1787.
, 1 vol., Dresden. (1787 : German)
An essay upon the bad effects arising from the use of anthracite coal fires.
, 1 vol., Leipzig. (1788 : German)
A Treatise on the detection and cure of poisoning with Arsenic.
An Inquiry into the nature, causes and cure of consumption, London. (1787 : English)
Translated in German - Dr. M. Ryan's Natur und kur der Lungenschwindsucht, Leipzig, 1790.
A treatise on the Materia Medica by W. Cullen, M.D., 2 vols., Edinburgh. (1789 : English)
Translated in German - Cullen's Materia Medica, Leipzig, 1790.
Essay sur l'air pur et les différents espaces d'air, 2 vols., Paris. (1785 : French)
Translated in German - De la Metherie über die reine Luftuod verwandte Luftarten, Leipzig, 1790.
Dell arte di Fabre il vino. ( : Italian)
Translated in German -Fabroni's Kunst, wein zu verfertigen, Leipzig, 1790.
Grigg's Advice to the Female Sex, London. (1789 : English)
Translated in German - I. Grigg's Vorsichtsregeln fur das Weibliche Geschlecht, besonders in der Schwangerschaft und dem Kindbette, Leipzig, 1791.
Monroe's Materia Medica, 2 vols., London. (1788 : English)
Translated in German - D. Monro's Arzneimittellehre, Leipzig, 1791.
Chemical remarks on Sugar, by F. Ringby, 2 vols., London. (1788 : English)
Translated in German - F. Ringby's chemische Bemerkungen Uber den Zucker, Dresden, 1791.
Brown's Elements of Medicine. ( : English)
Translated in German - Brown's Elementen der Medecine, Leipzig, 1801.
Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis in sano corpore humanis observatis, 2 vols., Leipzig. (1805 : Latin)
Medicine of Experience (English)
Histoire des Plantes suisses ou Matiere médicale et de l'Usage économique des Plantes par M. Alb. de Haller, 2 vols., Berne (1791 : Latin)
Translated in German -Albrecht von Haller's Materia Medica, 1 vol., Leipzig, 1806.
Organon of Rational Art of Healing (1810 : German)
1st edition - 259 §
A selected stanza from Gellert's poem, "The Truth we mortals need, Us blest to make and keep, The All-wise slightly covered o'er, But did not bury deep."
Medica de Helleborismo veterum, 4 vols., Leipzig. (1812 : Latin)
Dissertatio histórico.
Organon of Rational Art of Healing (1819 : German)
2nd edition - 318 §
Aude Sapere - dare to be wise
Organon of Rational Art of Healing (1824 : German)
3rd edition - 320 §
Aude Sapere - dare to be wise
Organon of Rational Art of Healing (1829 : German)
4th edition - 292 §
Aude Sapere - dare to be wise
Organon of Rational Art of Healing (1833 : German)
5th edition - 294 §
Aude Sapere - dare to be wise
Organon of Rational Art of Healing (1843 : German)
6th edition - 291 §
Aude Sapere - dare to be wise
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