

Recent Expressions

I used to suffer from kidney stone on and off. 2 weeks of treatment and my largest kidney stone came out with ease. Consulting Dr. Twara Aashish at HomeopathyOne made me realise few things. The renal calculi are the product. The error.

My kidney stone came out in just 2 weeks of treatment without much pain. Thank you!
Dx Xaxxex Jxxhx / 2024 / Bharat (India)

My HbA1C levels came to 6.4 % from 5.7% in 3 months. The lifestyle changes adopted could not stop prediabetes to reach diabetic levels. In 3 months of Homeopathic treatment my HbA1C levels reported to 5.20% which is non-diabetic. 1.2% less in.

Words of gratitude from the bottom of my heart for the transformation experienced. My journey from diabetic to non-diabetic in 3 months by homeopathic treatment.
Dx Vxxsxaxx Xaxxax / 2024 / Bharat (India)

I had a fall from the ladder and got injured. After 10 days of fall, my injury pain was still there. I was taking heat therapy (compresses). And doing exercises suggested by ortho. Yet the effects of injury were not healed completely..

My injury pain because of fall before 10 days were healed in 3 doses of medicine in a day. My gratitude to HomeopathyOne.
Kxxixx Cxxuxxn / 2024 / Bharat (India)

I had numbness in my hand for more than a year. The issue started to worsen from one and a half month. The numbness used to be there for the whole day. I could not even feel anything but numbness in these.

Gone is the numbness and back is the feel with individualised homeopathic treatment at HomeopathyOne.
Dxxrxxxix Rxxhxx / 2024 / India

A whole year has passed with zero medicine and zero anxiety attacks. True freedom! I am so grateful to Dr. Twara and HomeopathyOne for their continuous support during the 12 weeks treatment. My panic attacks were addressed promptly and effectively. Great experience!.

Treatment at HomeopathyOne has helped a lot of patient live a better life.
Mxxxax / 2023 / United States of America

I am Thanking you for curing my Insomnia. The results I have experienced for myself are awesome. I had been to specialists and tried various therapies before care at HomeopathyOne. My mind used to keep constantly awake and could not relax even.

Treatment at HomeopathyOne has helped many a patient live a better life.
Pxxtxx Txxxxax / 2023 / India

Express to Inspire Hope

Hey there! We would absolutely love to hear about your journey to recovery and all the amazing things that happened along the way. Your story is nothing short of inspiring and we can’t wait to hear all about it! So, would you mind sharing with us? We’d be so grateful!


Expressions of Lives
"Healed and Transformed"

Our child had many health issues and we consulted many specialists for it. But some or the other thing would always come up. As parents we used to be taxed emotionally and financially by the issues of our child. We consulted Dr. Twara and since then we see regular improvement in our child. No more bed wetting and even the growth is improving. We are very happy with the outcomes which are positively changing our lives. Thank You So Much!

Yxxxs Bxxaxxa / 2018 / India

I was suffering from swollen, slow healing fracture even after casts. Your Homeopathic treatment quickly reduced the swelling and pain. The repair of the fracture was also quicker. Spent less time in cast! Thank You for helping me heal faster.

Txxcxxt / 2017 / France

I kept on getting swelling and bluish marks for the past 7 to 8 years and was looking for a permanent solution. I tried cosmetic treatments to no avail. Even getting them removed temporarily didn't help. Upon a relative's recommendation, I consulted Dr. Twara. The whole treatment felt like a detox! Many unaddressed issues came up during the treatment. Remembering your advice, letting them come front without interfering in the process of cure. I am Happy to be healthy once again. Thank you for everything.

Jxxvxxxixxl Mxxhxxlxx / 2017 / Mozambique

After an injury, the pain remained and was not healing completely. With your Homeopathic treatment the recovery was complete. Thank You!

Fxxvxxl Fxxnxxixe / 2016 / France

I am so very much grateful to you for helping me get rid of my anxieties and other emotional problems. I am happy and don't need any medications now, not even Homeopathic. I feel like a totally new person in sync with my inner self.

Kxxxxy Wxxdxxn / 2016 / United Kingdom

My arthritic pain responded very well to your Homeopathic treatment. I Move around Happily without any trouble. Walking had never been so natural since the disorder. Gratitude!

Dxxixx Bxxaxx / 2016 / Canada

For last 10 days my digestion was upset and I felt really weak. As if a lot of energy was required to digest the food. I took antibiotics but it was all getting worse and worse. Upon consulting Dr. Twara, and with her Homeopathic treatment, I started to feel better and energetic quickly. Now, I can eat the foods and easily digest them. Thank You!

Axxtxx / 2016 / Poland

The behavioural issues in my child were bothersome. And making it difficult for her to mingle, make friends and study at school. With your expert guidance and Homeopathic treatment she is doing much better. She now mingles and has friends and she learns well. We are Blessed to have found you at an early stage of disease condition. Her life is a better one now. Thank you.

Dxxsxa Rxsxk / 2015 / India

My feet used to crack and bleed in rains and this affected my daily life. Over the decade, I had applied many OTC creams and consulted many a dermatologists to no avail. In fact it had been years since I accepted it as part of life and had learnt to control and manage it. And then I consulted Dr. Twara upon recommendation of colleagues. I must say Thank You for making me walk happily in the rains post your treatment. It's more than 7 years I enjoy rains like never before.

Kxxmxxa Jxxhxa / 2015 / India

We live free from the allergies and fungal infections. Which bothered us multiple times spread across the year. Almost 5 years post we completed your Homeopathic treatment. We wish to inform you that not even a single episode of any illness has occurred.

Jxxpx & Ixxrxxaxxt / 2014 / United Kingdom

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